First and Third Party Script Timings

First And Third Party Script Timings

This relies on the above script

Run First And Third Party Script Info in the console first, then run this

Calculate Load Times - MDN (opens in a new tab)

Info on CORS (why some values are 0)

Note: The properties which are returned as 0 by default when loading a resource from a domain other than the one of the web page itself: redirectStart, redirectEnd, domainLookupStart, domainLookupEnd, connectStart, connectEnd, secureConnectionStart, requestStart, and responseStart.


function createUniqueLists(firstParty, thirdParty) {
  function getUniqueListBy(arr, key) {
    return [...new Map(arr.map((item) => [item[key], item])).values()];
  const firstPartyList = getUniqueListBy(firstParty, ["name"]);
  const thirdPartyList = getUniqueListBy(thirdParty, ["name"]);
  return { firstPartyList, thirdPartyList };
const { firstPartyList, thirdPartyList } = createUniqueLists(
function calculateTimings(party, type) {
  const partyChoice = party === "first" ? firstParty : thirdParty;
  const timingChoices = {
    DNS_TIME: ["domainLookupEnd", "domainLookupStart"],
    TCP_HANDSHAKE: ["connectEnd", "connectStart"],
    RESPONSE_TIME: ["responseEnd", "responseStart"],
    SECURE_CONNECTION_TIME: ["connectEnd", "secureConnectionStart", 0],
    FETCH_UNTIL_RESPONSE: ["responseEnd", "fetchStart", 0],
    REQ_START_UNTIL_RES_END: ["responseEnd", "requestStart", 0],
    START_UNTIL_RES_END: ["responseEnd", "startTime", 0],
    REDIRECT_TIME: ["redirectEnd", "redirectStart"],
  function handleChoices(timingEnd, timingStart, num) {
    if (!num) {
      return timingEnd - timingStart;
    if (timingStart > 0) {
      return timingEnd - timingStart;
    return 0;
  const timings = partyChoice.map((script) => {
    const [timingEnd, timingStart, num] = timingChoices[type];
    const endValue = script[timingEnd];
    const startValue = script[timingStart];
    return {
      name: script.name,
      [type]: handleChoices(endValue, startValue, num),
  return timings;
// Available Options
const timingOptions = [
// run em all!
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Resource_Timing_API/Using_the_Resource_Timing_API#timing_resource_loading_phases
timingOptions.forEach((timing) => {
  console.groupCollapsed(`FIRST PARTY: ${timing}`);
  console.table(calculateTimings("first", timing));
  console.groupCollapsed(`THIRD PARTY: ${timing}`);
  console.table(calculateTimings("third", timing));
// choose your battle - arg1 is string either "first" or "third", arg2 is string timing option listed above.
console.table(calculateTimings("first", "REQ_START_UNTIL_RES_END"));